Thursday, December 11, 2008
WOW another year has gone by; this year went by fast!!! I wish everyone a HAPPY and SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON and I want to see everyone back on January 13th.
I have a new "idea" that I want your input. Would you 'all be interested in hearing about some of the research STUDENTS are doing. I was thinking of having some students making presentations on their research. It would give you some idea of how bright our students are and it would give them an opportunity to speak in front of a friendly audience. Please tell me what you think!!!!!!
January 13, 2009 -- speaker will be Ralph Loura, Senior Vice President, Information Technology for Medicis where he is responsible for the company's worldwide use of information technology. In this role, Mr. Loura leads Medicis’ information technology team and directs the company’s strategic technology initiatives to build a systems infrastructure that can drive new efficiencies and productivity into the company’s operations. The topic will be added to this site in the very near future.
Ralph will be speaking about the increasing strategic role of technology in companies of all sorts and the evolution of the role of senior IT leaders in recent years and how he/she see it both challenged and evolving in the coming years.
We will meet at the CRAVE Bar & Lounge, on Mill Ave. from 5:30 PM -- 7:00 PM
February 10, 2009, speaker will be Jeff Luth, Impress Public Relations.
Marketing 201. Smaller companies tend to be enamored with their technology and often find themselves either with a solution in search of a problem or simply unable to effectively articulate their value proposition. Larger companies may have difficulty creating a unique identity for new products and services. In these cases, generating awareness and interest is critically important. Yet for many companies, the marketing / public relations process is often conducted as a series of standalone activities, without an underlying strategy or any structured coordination. This equates to the sound of one hand clapping. Marketing 201 is about creating the strategies and tactics that can effectively advance business goals.
THANKS again to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE of the CITY of TEMPE and a great big THANK YOU to the ARIZONA TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL. If you want to present at a Tech-e-Tuesday contact me at
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
The next Tech-e-Tuesday will be December 9, 2008.
Our December 9, 2008 speaker is Marc Jacofsky. He is vice president of research and development for The CORE Institute (Center for Orthopedic Research and Education). He manages the division of intellectual property development at CORE where he works with physicians and the orthopedic industry to develop, patent, and license new medical technologies. He has taken several medical technologies, ranging from medical office software to spinal implants, through the process of product development, patent protection, and licensing. Marc is also director of the nonprofit SHRI-CORE Orthopedic Research Labs and oversees all research studies in the Biomechanics Testing Lab and Motion Analysis Lab. Marc has a diverse background in physical and biological sciences and is currently a candidate for Ph.D. at Arizona State University.He plans to discuss: How does a young company develop a system to handle intellectual property development from inception to licensing: be proactive, put a system in place before it’s needed, document throughout the process, prioritize IP development projects, exit strategies (when and how to exit). Thoughts on structuring a licensing agreement with medical device companies. Managing a nonprofit orthopedic lab in an age of increased federal regulation of the industry.
We will meet at the CRAVE Bar & Lounge, on Mill Ave.
January 13, 2009 speaker will be Ralph Loura, Senior Vice President, Information Technology for Medicis
February 10, 2009, speaker will be Jeff Luth, Impress Public Relations.
Marketing 201. Smaller companies tend to be enamored with their technology and often find themselves either with a solution in search of a problem or simply unable to effectively articulate their value proposition. Larger companies may have difficulty creating a unique identity for new products and services. In these cases, generating awareness and interest is critically important. Yet for many companies, the marketing / public relations process is often conducted as a series of standalone activities, without an underlying strategy or any structured coordination. This equates to the sound of one hand clapping. Marketing 201 is about creating the strategies and tactics that can effectively advance business goals.
Have a fun month!!!!THANKS again to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE of the CITY of TEMPE and a great big THANK YOU to the ARIZONA TECHNOLOGY COUNCILIf you want to present at a Tech-e-Tuesday contact me at
Monday, October 6, 2008
The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY
Our October 14, 2008 speaker is one of our own; Gary Witting. The title of his presentation is The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, of the Patent Process. Mr. Witting has worked for Motorola for 25 years with half of the time devoted to engineering and half of the time devoted to law. Mr. Witting has lectured and presented several seminars on the various subjects of intellectual property and its business ramifications. He is admitted to practice in the state of Arizona and before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
We will meet at the CRAVE Bar & Lounge, on Mill Ave. Also I will not be there and the hosting will be done by Alex.
Our November 11, 2008 speaker is Marc Jacofsky. He is vice president of research and development for The CORE Institute (Center for Orthopedic Research and Education). He manages the division of intellectual property development at CORE where he works with physicians and the orthopedic industry to develop, patent, and license new medical technologies. He has taken several medical technologies, ranging from medical office software to spinal implants, through the process of product development, patent protection, and licensing. Marc is also director of the nonprofit SHRI-CORE Orthopedic Research Labs and oversees all research studies in the Biomechanics Testing Lab and Motion Analysis Lab. Marc has a diverse background in physical and biological sciences and is currently a candidate for Ph.D. at Arizona State University.
He plans to discuss: How does a young company develop a system to handle intellectual property development from inception to licensing: be proactive, put a system in place before it’s needed, document throughout the process, prioritize IP development projects, exit strategies (when and how to exit). Thoughts on structuring a licensing agreement with medical device companies. Managing a nonprofit orthopedic lab in an age of increased federal regulation of the industry.
December 9, 2008 speaker is Jeff Luth. He will speak on How to Brand your company and why.
January 13, 2009 speaker will be Ralph Loura, Senior Vice President, Information Technology for Medicis
Have a fun month!!!!THANKS again to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE of the CITY of TEMPE and a great big THANK YOU to the ARIZONA TECHNOLOGY COUNCILIf you want to present at a Tech-e-Tuesday contact me at
Monday, August 18, 2008
September's Tech-e-Tuesday
The September 9, 2008 speaker will be Adrian Sannier.
Dr. Adrian Sannier is the University Technology Officer at Arizona State University and a Professor in the Division of Computing Studies. As University Technology Officer, he is responsible for developing and implementing a long range technology plan in support of President Crow's vision for the New American University, fulfilling ASU's goals of excellence, access and impact. Dr. Sannier is charged with the selection, integration and deployment of strategic technologies to meet the unique administrative, research and academic computing needs of a multi-campus university in one of the fastest growing regions of the United States.
Join us and find out how well he implemented "People Soft" into the entire University system!
The October 14, 2008 speaker will be one of our own Gary Witting. He is a patent lawyer and will be telling you how to file a patent and he knows the rules so don't worry about listening to an advertisement on how great he is.
REMEMBER: NEW NAME -- SAME PLACE La Pita is no more the new name is CRAVE Bar & Lounge
Please HELP!!!!!! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT & I WILL TRY AND DO IT FOR YOU. Plus you can get on the e-mail list by going to and putting your e-mail address in the e-mail box on the left side of the site.
Have a fun month!!!!
If you want to present at a Tech-e-Tuesday contact me at
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Not only that, Ed was great. Thank you Ed for that great presentation.
August 12, 2008 -- The presenter will be Matt Fraser Ph.D. from the Global Institute of Sustainability at ASU.
Dr. Fraser’s research focuses on using organic speciation and receptor modeling to apportion ambient pollutants to their original source. Dr. Fraser’s research group has been involved in field monitoring programs, source characterization studies, emission inventory preparation, and analytical method and instrument development projects. The title is Understanding Urban Particle Pollution Atmospheric particles, including smoke, dust and haze, impact human health, decrease visibility and are a key uncertainty in the climate balance of the planet. Understanding the sources of particles is the first step in any strategy to reducing their concentration in an urban region such as Phoenix. Using detailed chemical analysis, we can fingerprint the original source of particles and track their emission from different sources to remote locations. The importance of these microscopic pollutants will be presented along findings of various source attribution studies.
The September 9, 2008 speaker will be Adrian Sannier.
Dr. Adrian Sannier is the University Technology Officer at Arizona State University and a Professor in the Division of Computing Studies. As University Technology Officer, he is responsible for developing and implementing a long range technology plan in support of President Crow's vision for the New American University, fulfilling ASU's goals of excellence, access and impact. Dr. Sannier is charged with the selection, integration and deployment of strategic technologies to meet the unique administrative, research and academic computing needs of a multi-campus university in one of the fastest growing regions of the United States.
The October 14, 2008 speaker will be one of our own Gary Witting. He is a patent lawyer and will be telling you how to file a patent and he knows the rules so don't worry about listening to an advertisement on how great he is.
REMEMBER: NEW NAME -- SAME PLACE La Pita is no more the new name is CRAVE Bar & Lounge
Please TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT & I WILL TRY AND DO IT FOR YOU. Plus you can get on the e-mail list by going to and putting your e-mail address in the e-mail box on the left side of the site.
Have a fun month!!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Welcome to summer
Francine Hardaway, thank you for the May presentation; Tiffany Frechette, thank you for the June presentation. Tiffany would like to correct a mistake she made during her presentation:
"I believe I said 12:1, which is much lower than the actual return. The ROI is actually 20:1, as seen below. (see if you were there you would know what she is talking about)
o Since inception of the AZ FAST program in 2003, Commerce has awarded 64 tech companies an average of $5,000 totaling $300,000 in distributed State funds.
o As a result, 16 of those companies have been awarded SBIR grants bringing over $6 million in federal funds into our State for technology R&D. This means that $20 of federal funds is received for every $1 of state funds.
o These funds have had an enormous impact on the companies’ ability to fully develop and commercialize their innovations. The awards have funded the purchase and use of much needed supplies, research resources, and JOBS! Our companies have reported 26 new hires with an average annual salary of $60,000. "
NEW NAME -- SAME PLACE La Pita is no more the new name is CRAVE Bar & Grill
July 8, 2008 -- The presenter will be Ed Koeneman
Ed Koeneman from Kinetic Muscles Inc. (KMI) will tell their start up story.KMI designs and manufactures rehabilitation devices for survivors of stroke and other brain injuries. Ed and his father started the company in 2001 to address the needs of a grossly under-served stroke population with a practical application of the emerging science of neuroplasticity - the brain's ability to re-wire itself after an injury. All of the early R&D was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Along the way they have attracted investment from friends, family and angel investors. After successfully test marketing their first product in Arizona, KMI launched the Hand Mentor Pro nationwide in 2007. Come hear Ed talk about the ups and downs of being a startup medical device company in Arizona.
The August presentation will be Matt Fraser Ph.D. from the Global Institute of Sustainability at ASU. Dr. Fraser’s research focuses on using organic speciation and receptor modeling to apportion ambient pollutants to their original source. Dr. Fraser’s research group has been involved in field monitoring programs, source characterization studies, emission inventory preparation, and analytical method and instrument development projects.
The title is Understanding Urban Particle Pollution
Atmospheric particles, including smoke, dust and haze, impact human health, decrease visibility and are a key uncertainty in the climate balance of the planet. Understanding the sources of particles is the first step in any strategy to reducing their concentration in an urban region such as Phoenix. Using detailed chemical analysis, we can fingerprint the original source of particles and track their emission from different sources to remote locations. The importance of these microscopic pollutants will be presented along findings of various source attribution studies.
We are still working on September's speaker.
OH Yes!! La Pita will be changing its name... and when I remember the new name I'll modify this section of the blog!!!!!
NEW NAME -- SAME PLACE La Pita is no more the new name is CRAVE Bar & Grill
Thank you for showing up and let's make the second Tuesday of every month a great evening of NETWORKING!!!!!
SEE EVERYONE ON JULY 8, 2008!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Well, you 'all better show up for this one!!!!
May 13, 2008 The speaker is -- Francine Hardaway
Francine Hardaway PhD, co-founder, Stealthmode Partners. She will be presenting on social media tools and how they are changing business. Marketing has been totally changed through social media, although marketers do not know it yet. The customer is now in charge of the brand, and technology has made reaching people easier and more difficult at the same time. Learn how these new tools can help you and your business. your calendars.
June 10, 2008 -- The speaker is Ms Tiffany Frechette --
Tiffany Frechette has worked for the State of Arizona for about eight years, six of which have been with the Department of Commerce. Currently, she works in the Office of Innovation & Technology as a Program Manager with attention focused in the Advanced Communication and IT industries. Earlier in her career with Commerce, Tiffany oversaw the implementation and administration of a number of tax incentive programs including of the Angel Investment Tax Credit, Enterprise Zones, Motion Pictures, Military Reuse Zones, Healthy Forest and Solar Tax Credit Programs. She also provided staff support to the Commerce and Economic Development Commission, coordinated activities of the T-Gen team and played a key role in identifying funding sources. Prior to her current assignment Tiffany worked for the Arizona Department of Housing as a Community Development Block Grant program specialist, working primarily with rural communities and their infrastructure needs.
She will talk about the new programs the Arizona Department of Commerce has to help entrepreneurs!!!!
July 8, 2008 -- The presenter will be Ed Koeneman
Ed Koeneman from Kinetic Muscles Inc. (KMI) will tell their startup story.
KMI designs and manufactures rehabilitation devices for survivors of stroke and other brain injuries. Ed and his father started the company in 2001 to address the needs of a grossly under-served stroke population with a practical application of the emerging science of neuroplasticity - the brain's ability to re-wire itself after an injury. All of the early R&D was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Along the way they have attracted investment from friends, family and angel investors. After successfully test marketing their first product in Arizona, KMI launched the Hand Mentor Pro nationwide in 2007. Come hear Ed talk about the ups and downs of being a startup medical device company in Arizona.
REMEMBER we are at a different location = La Pita, 505 S Mill Ave., Tempe, AZ.To get on our mailing list go to: ; put you're e-mail address in the box on the left side and you will be receiving notices of Tech-e-Tuesday every month.
See you on the 13th!!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Games Games Games
And thank you Robert W. Hooley, VP Emerging Technologies, Greater Phoenix Economic Council.
Next month:
April 8, 2008 The Speaker will be: Ashish Amresh, Lecturer, School of Computing and Informatics, Arizona State University.
The School of Computing & Informatics in partnership with the College of Education and The School of Art will be launching a university wide non-degree certificate program in computer gaming starting Fall 08. This six course 18 credit certificate will have three different areas of emphasis or tracks that the students can specialize in. These tracks are programming, art and education. The students will have to take two core classes followed by a track area core class and two track area electives. The final course is a capstone project that teams of students work with faculty and industry to solve real world problems. Two gaming labs are currently being built one at the Brickyard and another at SkySong to accelerate the curriculum and enrollment needs for this certificate. The School of Computing & Informatics also organizes a six week full time summer camp in game development for high school students. Currently pilot courses are being offered to undergraduate students in game development and the curriculum for the certificate is being tested and refined.
May 13, 2008 (this is the second Tuesday of the month) The speaker is -- Francine Hardaway PhD, co-founder, Stealthmode Partners. Francine will be presenting on social media tools and how they are changing business. Marketing has been totally changed through social media, although marketers do not know it yet. The customer is now in charge of the brand, and technology has made reaching people easier and more difficult at the same time. Learn how these new tools can help you and your business. your calendars.
REMEMBER we are at a different location = La Pita, 505 S Mill Ave., Tempe, AZ.
To get on our mailing list go to: ; put you're e-mail address in the box on the left side and you will be receiving notices of Tech-e-Tuesday every month.
Please be sure to visit the Tech Oasis blog for additional information and the opportunity to suggest speakers.
Come on folks who do you want to hear! Tell me!==================================================
The Discovery Series Tour -- April 15, 2008, Sensors, Signals and Information Processing Center
Signal processing for emerging sensing and communication applications
Presenter: Dr. Andreas Spanias, Electrical
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
March is coming up
Thank you Tim. You will have to tell me if you got business from your presintation.
March 11, 2008 our speaker is: Robert W. Hooley, VP Emerging Technologies, Greater Phoenix Economic Council. His presintation wil be about Arizona's solar programs.
The Sun is our greatest energy source, providing the potential for powerful, reliable, renewable, and clean energy to supply all of our energy needs throughout the world. The sun produces some 386 billion MWs of energy.
This past year, Arizona utilities led by APS called for the development and building of a 250MW solar generating facility. ASU's President Dr. Michael Crow has asked that the university's campus be 'solarized', and issued an RFP for 7MW of power. With such an abundant supply of sunlight in our state (and surrounding states), why hasn't the southwest embraced solar energy as an economic and job growth engine. This transition would help both the need for a clean and renewable energy source and a way of economic vitality for the region, state, and southwest-potentially eliminating the country's dependence on other forms of high emission fuels?
Robert W. Hooley, VP Emerging Technologies at GPEC will present "Solar Energy Generation for a New Generation" and discuss some of the State's and region's efforts. He will discuss technically as to the value of distributed and non-distributed solar generation and how it relates to the elimination of energy dependency on fossil fuels.
April 8, 2008 GAMES, GAMES, GAMES
The Speaker will be: Ashish Amresh, Lecturer, School of Computing and Informatics, Arizona State Univeristy.
The School of Computing & Informatics in partnership with the College of Education and The School of Art will be launching a university wide non-degree certificate program in computer gaming starting Fall 08. This six course 18 credit certificate will have three different areas of emphasis or tracks that the students can specialize in. These tracks are programming, art and education. The students will have to take two core classes followed by a track area core class and two track area electives. The final course is a capstone project that teams of students work with faculty and industry to solve real world problems. Two gaming labs are currently being built one at the Brickyard and another at SkySong to accelerate the curriculum and enrollment needs for this certificate. The School of Computing & Informatics also organizes a six week full time summer camp in game development for high school students. Currently pilot courses are being offered to undergraduate students in game development and the curriculum for the certificate is being tested and refined.
May 12, 2008
The speaker is -- Francine Hardaway, Ph.D. co-founder, Stealthmode PartnersFrancine will be presenting on social media tools and how they are changing business. Marketing has been totally changed through social media, although marketers do not know it yet. The customer is now in charge of the brand, and technology has made reaching people easier and more difficult at the same time. Learn how these new tools can help you and your business.
Mark your calendars
Please be sure to visit the Tech Oasis blog for additional information and the opportunity to suggest speakers.
Come on folks who do you want to hear! Tell me!!
March 18, 2008 our Discovery Series Tours will be showing off our research in NEW MATERIALS for ULTRA HIGH-SPEED LOJIC & RF COMMUNICATION LAB. To sign up contact
Friday, January 11, 2008
Coming up in February
To those folks that missed this months presentation you missed a very good one!!
We had a little problem with the venue again so we, Alix and I, have decided to change the location. The new location is a small Bar & Grill named La Pita, 505 South Mill Ave, in Tempe. It is just south of the Library. It is also a pretty good Mideastern restaurant.
The next speaker on February 12, 2008, is Timothy C. Eschrich; Process Engineering Manager, ASU Center for Solid State Electronics Research (CSSER). Tim has over 25 years experience in the semiconductor industry, spanning industrial R&D, volume manufacturing and university research. He has contributed in the areas of compound semiconductors, CMOS processing, flat panel display technologies, Si-MEMS and novel thin film thermoelectric materials. His recent activities at CSSER have included photo lithography, wet and plasma etching, and metallization for a wide range of materials systems. Professional activities include AVS membership and publications including one patent and over 20 refereed papers and presentations.His talk will provide an overview of the capabilities of the ASU Nanofab, a 4000 SF Class 100 research facility. It is available for both academic research and support of both start up and larger companies in AZ. Mechanisms to make use of the facility will also be reviewed..
We do not have a speaker for March yet so if you have a suggestion please let me know.
On February 14, 2008, yeah, I know Valentines Day, the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering and the City of Tempe are hosting the next Research Breakfast Forum, this one on Nanotechnology and Nano-electronics. Please contact to register (just state that you read it on the TECHWIZARD's blog) and get more information, where, when, who.
The forum is FREE along with the continental breakfast.
Hope to hear from you soon.