Thursday, December 11, 2008


Thank you Marc, although the audience was not as large as previous events it was very lively discussion.

WOW another year has gone by; this year went by fast!!! I wish everyone a HAPPY and SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON and I want to see everyone back on January 13th.

I have a new "idea" that I want your input. Would you 'all be interested in hearing about some of the research STUDENTS are doing. I was thinking of having some students making presentations on their research. It would give you some idea of how bright our students are and it would give them an opportunity to speak in front of a friendly audience. Please tell me what you think!!!!!!

January 13, 2009 -- speaker will be Ralph Loura, Senior Vice President, Information Technology for Medicis where he is responsible for the company's worldwide use of information technology. In this role, Mr. Loura leads Medicis’ information technology team and directs the company’s strategic technology initiatives to build a systems infrastructure that can drive new efficiencies and productivity into the company’s operations. The topic will be added to this site in the very near future.

Ralph will be speaking about the increasing strategic role of technology in companies of all sorts and the evolution of the role of senior IT leaders in recent years and how he/she see it both challenged and evolving in the coming years.

We will meet at the CRAVE Bar & Lounge, on Mill Ave. from 5:30 PM -- 7:00 PM

February 10, 2009, speaker will be Jeff Luth, Impress Public Relations.
Marketing 201. Smaller companies tend to be enamored with their technology and often find themselves either with a solution in search of a problem or simply unable to effectively articulate their value proposition. Larger companies may have difficulty creating a unique identity for new products and services. In these cases, generating awareness and interest is critically important. Yet for many companies, the marketing / public relations process is often conducted as a series of standalone activities, without an underlying strategy or any structured coordination. This equates to the sound of one hand clapping. Marketing 201 is about creating the strategies and tactics that can effectively advance business goals.

THANKS again to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE of the CITY of TEMPE and a great big THANK YOU to the ARIZONA TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL. If you want to present at a Tech-e-Tuesday contact me at


Elaine said...

I am new to Tech Oasis, I would like to attend the meeting on February 20th. Do we need to RSVP?

TechWizard said...

no just show up. this is a networking event, all you need to do is be there.